The Perfect Fit for Footwear Retailers

Spend less time figuring things out and more time getting things done.

Rated 4.9 out of 5
by footwear retailers

One-to-one personal
system support

Online integrations
without third parties

UK leader in variation
handling for footwear

35+ years' experience
in footwear retail

The world's only EPOS with
7D technology

Sole-searching for a new EPOS system?

Our bespoke matrix system gives you clear oversight of product variants.

White & Son Shoes - Footwear EPOS system
"In my 25 years of retail experience, I have to say that Top to Toe is the best system I've ever used"
Stephen Ryrie
White & Son Shoes
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"Top to Toe would save me about two hours a day at busy times compared with my previous system"
Ellie Dickins
Ellie Dickins Shoes
Howorth's Shoes - Footwear till system
"I’ve been in the footwear business for over 40 years, and Top to Toe is still the best there is"
Graeme Preswell
Howorth's Shoes
Footwear EPOS - matrix grid view for size and colour
“We sell footwear which comes in sizes and colours. Top to Toe’s system is excellent for that!”
Geoff Ross
Sporting Feet

Manage footwear variants effectively to gain a competitive advantage

The problem
You face a unique challenge. If an average pair of shoes has two colours and ten sizes (a total of 20 variants), every product has 20 ever-changing stock, sales, and order figures. The data grows further if your shoes are sold in various widths too – just one product alone is hard enough to report on!

The bad news is that almost all EPOS systems are not suited for footwear, with generic systems listing every product variant separately, making it complex to do any meaningful analysis. 

The good news is that we have designed our EPOS for footwear retailers, making the handling of footwear products beyond easy.

Your solution
Working closely with footwear retailers for over 35 years, our system structure is made to handle shoe variants with true clarity. Multi-dimensional matrix grids can manage size, colour and fit, resulting in speedy product creation and stock entry, as well as structured reporting for informed buying, pricing and discounting decisions.

Gain an in-depth understanding of product performance in two clicks.

The problem
Sometimes you want to report on your footwear brands, seasons, suppliers and even type. Often, you’re interested in sales performance, but to make informed purchasing decisions, it’s also important to see stock and ‘on order’ figures alongside the sales data.

Due to the fragmented, menu-based structure of most generic EPOS systems, stock, sales and orders are often in different reporting areas. Without seeing clearly laid out, unified data, getting the big picture you need can be a struggle.

epos system footwear

Your solution
As the only EPOS system (we’ve come across) with 7D Technology, our purpose-built footwear store EPOS allows you to apply filters of choice to the reporting columns and view the filtered data in the form that you choose (e.g. straight figures, bar charts or pie charts).

In just one or two clicks, get the reporting flexibility you’ll love with a customisable, fluid, dynamic interface!

epos till footwear

Seamless integration between your shoe store EPOS and eCommerce website

The problem
If you’ve previously tried to integrate your EPOS system with your own eCommerce platform, you’ll know that it’s not always as simple as ‘plug and play’. Every retailer’s website is structured differently, meaning that some human attention is often needed.

Most EPOS systems allocate the integration to a third-party company. As well as later surprising you with a very large fee, having two companies involved can result in hearing both: “Speak to your EPOS provider about the integration” and “No, speak to your third-party integrator about this”…

Your solution
Footwear retailers using Top to Toe put their best foot forward with tried and tested integrations, used by hundreds of clients across the UK and Ireland. Ensure your shoe store links with an eCommerce platform of choice the way you want it to, with zero third-party integrators.

Footwear EPOS and stock management system
“Top to Toe don't use third-party web linkers - they integrate directly”
Ellie Dickins
Ellie Dickins Shoes
Footwear POS and eCommerce integrations
“The integration is seamless - everything syncs up perfectly”
Luke Presswell
Howorth’s Shoes

Become multi-channel today: fire your slow-selling products onto other channels like eBay or Amazon in just a click, all from within your new Footwear system - Top to Toe EPOS.