How much does EPOS cost?

The short answer: For a retailer with one shop and one website, most EPOS systems cost between £50 and £150 per month.

The long(er) answer: Three factors largely determine how much EPOS systems and their bespoke packages will cost:

  • System levels/ features
  • Hardware
  • Add on modules

System level/ features #

Some EPOS systems have different feature tiers – this allows smaller retail businesses to pay less than the larger retailers who require many more functions and reports.

Top to Toe tip – note that in the EPOS world, ‘all inclusive’ does not always equal quality, nor does it mean that the ‘all inclusive’ system provide every EPOS feature you need. What’s far more important is that your EPOS system meets your requirements… and meets them efficiently. Know your requirements and ask your EPOS demonstrator to show them to you, do not take anyone’s word

Hardware (can usually be rented or purchased) #

If you have your own hardware already and are looking to move to another EPOS system, then you save a noteworthy cost!

If you require hardware, then you can look to most EPOS companies to offer rental or purchase rates for tried and tested, reliable hardware. Running the till on your own laptop or monitor is the cheapest solution as screens/PC’s are often the costliest part of any hardware package. For a more traditional till, EPOS companies often offer touchscreen tablets and ‘all-in-ones’. Click here to view Top to Toe’s hardware package options and their prices.

Top to Toe tip – you can try to source your own till hardware; it might be cheaper – but be careful as it takes service time to get the hardware set-up and working if you don’t know how to do that by yourself.

‘Add on’ modules #

Common add on modules in most EPOS systems include extra web links and Customer Management. As EPOS companies vary on what they consider an add on module, it’s important for you to clarify in your EPOS demonstrations:

“Is everything you’ve shown me included in my quoted package?”.

Top to Toe tip – It’s worth asking, “What add on modules might I want later/ which are the most popular?” These give you an idea of what you’ll really be paying once you have a system that fully meets your requirements.

For your own Top to Toe EPOS price estimate in under two minutes, simply click the big purple button below.