Schedule a personalised demo with our team.​

Easily manage your inventory
by size and colour

Quickly preview specific items
with customisable filters

"Very clear, very easy and very user-friendly"

Becky Furbank

Anne Furbank Fashions

Kind words from our loving clients

“The speed I can create a product in is phenomenal”

Paul Myers

Trotter & Deane Menswear

“Matrix grids were fundamental to our choice”

Nicola Dyer

David Dyer Saddles

“Hugely reliable – it’s been invaluable for us”

Andy Bateman

Bateman's Sports

“If you’re in Schoolwear, this is the system you need to have”

Daniel Britto

Uniform 4 Kids

4.9/5 rating

4.9/5 rating


We have packages ranging from just £14.95 per week + £10 per week per sales channel (e.g. a till, a website integration etc). Ask our friendly sales team about the latest offers, and to put together a quote for you.

Whilst 99% of EPOS systems are built for ‘retail generally’ or hospitality, Top to Toe is a clothing specialist EPOS and comprehensive stock management system. 
What takes one hour in a ‘general system’, can take just five minutes in a specialist one.

Grow your business without spending more time and money